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James McAfee - Game Programmer

I’m a software engineer and architect who recently switched from a career of 20 years in Enterprise Software and Distributed Systems to Game Development. Gaming has been a lifelong passion for me stemming back from making WADs for Doom and my own ROM 2.4 MUDs through playing Quake3Arena / Quakelive competitively and now finally smashing FromSoftware games on the PS5.    

Here you’ll find information on my recent work as well as thoughts on software engineering in my blog. Take care!

Going all in on Game Development - Pinned

Unit Zero Rewinding the clock back to 1999 I had two possibles paths in my life. The first being to follow my love for games and competitive play as a game programmer or apply my primitive skills as a dev in the Enterprise space. Given the prospects of finding game dev employment where I lived to be minimal at best, and with the sudden need to produce money to eat and sleep with a roof over my head… I let the business dev work suck me in....

January 28, 2023 · James

Working Notes - The Replicated Cake is a Lie

TLDR: FDoRepLifetimeParams bIsPushBased doesn’t do what you think it does Working Notes These ‘Working Notes’ blog entries are daily notes from engineering work I’ve done which I believe may be useful for others. These notes are not meant to be best recommended practice and will probably change over time as I learn new things or come up with better tricks… Assumptions In my process of learning Unreal Engine, I’ve looked at a number of different game code bases developers have been kind enough to put online for others to check out....

July 16, 2023 · James

Working Notes - Graphics Settings Menu in UE5

Working Notes These ‘Working Notes’ blog entries are daily notes from engineering work I’ve done which I believe may be useful for others. These notes are not meant to be best recommended practice and will probably change over time as I learn new things or come up with better tricks… Unreal Engine 5 - In Game Graphics Settings Currently I’m working on a UI for a game and will need to present to the user a menu UI for graphics settings....

July 7, 2023 · James

Navigating the Front End Wilderness Part 2

Today I ran into major problems trying to setup a React script to query JSON from a site and parse it into something usable. I’m new to this stuff and used an existing tutorial to mangle according to my needs. I ended up with the following code: var PlanetList = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {Planets: []}; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.serverRequest = $.getJSON(this.props.source, function (result) { var parray = result....

March 11, 2016 · James

Navigating the Front End Wilderness Part 1

Recently I’ve set myself a task of developing a web based game in order to get myself up to speed on modern development patterns and technologies… something I haven’t done since I worked with PHP over a decade ago. For my application I wanted to work in a MVC pattern and to carve off the view layer as client side. For this task I selected React. This is a challenge for me as the minimal amount of Javascript I know has been used to create Gluecode for automation tasks....

February 28, 2016 · James