Today I ran into major problems trying to setup a React script to query JSON from a site and parse it into something usable. I’m new to this stuff and used an existing tutorial to mangle according to my needs.

I ended up with the following code:

var PlanetList = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {Planets: []};

    componentDidMount: function() {
        this.serverRequest = $.getJSON(this.props.source, function (result) {
            var parray = {
                return {
                    PlayerName: p.PlayerName,
                    PlanetName: p.PlanetName
            this.setState({Planets: parray});

    renderPlanets: function(){
                    Player {planet.PlayerName} has planet {planet.PlanetName}.

    componentWillUnmount: function() {

    render: function() {

    <PlanetList source="http://localhost:8000" />,

As you can see I am reading in a source from a local webserver which contains JSON for an array of objects, example:

    "ContainsPlanet": true,
    "PlayerName": "Computer",
    "PlayerTokens": 2,
    "PlanetName": "g"
    "ContainsPlanet": false,
    "PlayerName": "",
    "PlayerTokens": 0,
    "PlanetName": ""
    "ContainsPlanet": false,
    "PlayerName": "",
    "PlayerTokens": 0,
    "PlanetName": ""

The problem I experienced is that my array was not being processed and any code I placed inside the JQuery code block was not run. I tried the following:

  • Checked webserver output to verify JSON response is being issued correctly
  • Checked webserver logs to verify its receiving requests from the React application
  • Googled my &^%#%@ ass off trying all manner of JQuery/React combinations to try to get the JSON data and parse it

Nothing worked. Finally in my browser when loading the React page I decided to enable Firefox’s Security logging. I then received the following message:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8000/. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).


Since I’m currently working in a local testing phase I simply added the following to my Go function for serving the JSON data and like magic my React application sprang to life! Of course this needs to change once the serving system architecture has been defined.

w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")

A breath of fresh air! Now time to move to a deeper depth :)